IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you are registered as a consignor, you will receive a confirmation email. That email will contain a link to choose your Presale Time.
Register Now
**If you are going to be a Crew Member Consignor, there is NOT a place to designate that on your registration. To change your status to Crew Consignor (75% of your sales, FIRST shopping Monday night, $15 personnel fee waived), you’ll ALSO need to go to the Crew Page and select your shifts once those shifts are open (on July 26). That will automatically make you a Crew Consignor if you select 3 shifts. Selecting 1 shift instead of 3 will get your $15 personnel fee waived AND give you early shopping Tuesday morning (% remains at 65%). See Crew Page for details.
$15 NON-REFUNDABLE Consignor Fee will be paid at the time of registration.
$15 Personnel Fee is taken out of your final payment for anyone who does NOT work at least ONE (4 hr) Crew Shift at the sale. This FEE IS WAIVED by becoming a Crew Member and signing up AND showing up for at least a 4 hour shift. Crew Members also shop BEFORE regular consignors. Crew Member Info is HERE.
Read Over the ITEMS WE ACCEPT and the BRANDS WE DO NOT ACCEPT. This is extremely important.
TYPE OF CONSIGNOR: When you register, it will NOT ask you the “type” of consignor you will be. Everyone is a Standard Consignor by default. If you would like to be an Express Consignor, you must IMMEDIATELY follow the Express Consignor steps, or you will NOT get a spot. If you would like to be a Crew Consignor, you do NOT have to inform us of this. Just sign up for your crew shifts when they open on (using your consignor #), and the system will automatically designate you as a crew consignor.
MANDATORY: Watch the Tagging Videos below to know how to properly tag your items!
*Improperly tagged items WILL not be accepted or will be required to be retagged at drop off.
IMPORTANT! If you are on FB, join our exclusive Consignors Facebook group by clicking below. LOTS of very important communication happens there so join NOW! So important! **For registered consignors only.
CREW MEMBER CONSIGNORS: If you have chosen the Crew Member Consignor option, head over to the Crew Member Page now to learn what is expected and sign up for your work shifts.
Tagging Instructions
Once you have watched these videos AND read all below AND registered as a consignor, click the link below to begin tagging.
General Tagging Instructions
The tagging system will close on February 21 at 11:59PM. Absolutely NO tags can be entered into the system or edited after that time. Do NOT wait until the last minute or you will be UNABLE to create your tags. You CAN print after this time, but you cannot create or edit.
$4 price minimum on all items.
There is a MINIMUM of 25 accepted items as a standard or crew consignor to get a presale pass and to participate. (Express consignors must have a minimum of 40 items).
If you are going to punch a hole on your tags so that you can insert a zip tie, you MUST cover it with packing tape first to reinforce it.
Clothing should be hung on WIRE HANGERS with the hook facing the LEFT.
Do NOT fold or bend hangers to make them smaller. See video above for more specifics on hangers.
We will not accept ANY clothing in ziploc bags.
WHITE CARDSTOCK ONLY can be used to print tags. No regular paper or colored card stock!
We recommend that EVERYONE choose to let their items go 50% off for 1/2 Price Day. Make sure to mark that they CAN be discounted when you are entering them in our online tagging system if you want to do this.
Donated items go to the Wrap Around Closet to outfit children in foster care in TN. PLEASE consider donating your unsold items instead of picking them up to help support our community.
LARGE items will need a GREEN SECURITY TAG. See below. Green tags will be given at drop off.
Items We do/do not Accept
Items We Accept
**IMPORTANT: Express Consignors have limitations on categories accepted. Doublecheck with your tagger.**
New & Gently Used Upscale Children’s Clothing in sizes Newborn-Size 16. No Clothing in Bags. No Junior or Adult Clothing. (Fall/Winter Clothing for August sale & Spring/Summer Clothing for March sale. See Specific Brands NOT Accepted). *Collegiate & Back to School themed clothing accepted year round.
Pajamas. 12 months and under list still adhere to the accepted brand list. No exceptions! For 18 months and up ONLY, ALL brands accepted so long as in great condition! Fleece/Winter PJs not accepted for Spring/Summer.
Swimsuits. Brand criteria still applies.
Coats/Snow Suits. Fall/Winter sale only. MUST adhere to the Brand List. (See Specific Brands NOT Accepted).
Rain Coats accepted year round.
Dancewear and Gymnastics Leotards accepted year round. ALL brands accepted. (NOTE: We do NOT take dance COSTUMES).
Halloween Costumes (for Fall/Winter sale), Generic Dress Up Costumes (Princess, Policeman, etc) accepted year round. We do NOT take dance costumes.
Winter Gear: Gloves, Scarfs, etc (for fall/winter sale only).
Shoes in Great Condition. MUST adhere to the brand list. (See Specific Brands NOT Accepted). *NO SHOES LARGER THAN BIG KID SIZE 6 WILL BE ACCEPTED. If they look like adult shoes, they will NOT be accepted.
Toys (must be CLEAN, fully working, and have batteries if applicable). Wooden Toys, Games, Puzzles, Remote Control Toys, Kitchen Sets, Train Tables, Game Systems, Dollhouses, Bikes, Ride on Toys, Outdoor Toys, and any other toys.
*Bath toys MUST be extremely clean and dry to be accepted.LEGOS. They MUST come FULLY assembled in a bag if they are a set so we can verify all necessary pieces are included. Include a printed picture or the original box so the buyer can see what set it is. Please include instructions if at all possible. If not assembled for inspection at drop off, tag MUST read “Miscellaneous Legos” or something similar. You can say something like “Pieces from Spiderman set, but not all pieces included.”
Kid Electronics such as Tablets, Video Game Consoles, Video Games, etc. NO rated M or A video games.
Diaper Bags, Backpacks, Kid’s Lunchboxes, Kid’s Purses, & Kids’ Luggage.
Kids’ Tables & Chairs
Baby Gear (VERY CLEAN) such as Strollers, Bouncers, Exersaucers, Swings, Car Seats, High Chairs, Pack 'n Plays, etc. (All gear must be fully assembled at Drop Off). Car Seats must have ONE FULL YEAR remaining before expiration!
Children’s Furniture (must be fully assembled at drop off unless new in box).
Glass, Stainless Steel, & Silicone Baby Bottles ONLY (NO plastic bottles) and Sippy Cups & Kid’s Water Bottles (NO plastic cups/water bottles, alternative materials only).
Baby Items such as Monitors, Bath Tubs, Boppy Pillows/SnuggleMe/Dockatots, Slings/Carriers, Feeding Items (NO older model Owlet socks accepted. ONLY current Dream model accepted)
Velcro, Zip, or Ollie type Swaddles (NO receiving blankets, muslin blankets, etc). ALL Swaddles MUST be hung on a hanger.
Baby Wearing Carriers. MUST be hung on a hanger.
Sleep Sacks. MUST be hung on a hanger.
Books (Limit of 25 books or book bundles per Consignor)
Breast Pumps (ONLY brands accepted are Spectra, Willow, Motif Luna, Haakaa, MomCozy, and Elvie. Must be in NEW or LIKE NEW condition! Tubing can be removed if needed). If we can see milk, we will NOT accept this item.
Bibs (ONLY silicone, oversized/apron, or waterproof bibs accepted if new or like new condition).
Swim/Pool Items (goggles, floats, life jackets, etc) ONLY for the spring/summer sale, not accepted for fall/winter. Life jackets and puddle jumpers MUST be hung on a hanger.
Hats: Fall/Winter: true winter hats, baseball caps, cowboy hats, bonnets (high end/boutique), etc. NO newborn hats. Spring/Summer: Large sun hats, baseball caps, cowboy hats, bonnets (high end/boutique), etc. NO newborn hats.
IMPORTANT: If bringing any new items in bulk, a MAX of 10 will be accepted unless prior approval is given.
**EVERYTHING that requires batteries, MUST HAVE BATTERIES and be working when inspected at Drop-Off!**
Items We Do NOT Accept
ANY type of bedding. This includes sheets, comforters, pillows, blankets, etc.
Pageant dresses
Maternity, adult, and junior clothing. If it does not have CHILDREN’S SIZING, we will NOT accept it. NO exceptions. NO JUNIORS or ADULT CLOTHING, even if it will fit a child.
Crib mattresses (unless sold with a crib)
Clothing and shoes that are on our Brands NOT Accepted list
Room decor or anything related to decorating (lamps, rugs, mobiles, pictures, light fixtures, frames, photo albums, ornaments, wall decor, etc).
Diaper Caddies
Bags other than diaper bags, backpacks, kid’s lunchboxes, kid’s purses, & kids’ luggage ONLY
Out-of-Date clothing or clothing with excessive wear.
Clothing that has a 3 letter monogram (1 letter and names ok)
Clothing from discount stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, etc,
See the FULL list of Brands We Do Not Accept.Stained, torn, dirty, or smelly (cigarette smoke!) clothing
RECALLED Items such as: previous Owlet Socks, Rock N Plays, Boppy Loungers, etc
Potty seats or diaper pails unless BRAND NEW in original packaging and sealed
Breast Pumps (unless NEW or LIKE NEW Spectra, Willow, Motif Luna, Haakaa, MomCozy, and Elvie) and CLEAN
Blankets of ANY kind EXCEPT velcro, magnet, and Ollie type swaddles. Swaddles MUST be hung on hanger. No receiving blankets, muslin blankets, etc.
Bibs (unless silicone, oversized/apron, or waterproof that are new or like new).
Burp cloths of any kind
Dance costumes
Baby gates/Bed rails
Stuffed animals (unless they do something or go with something).
Exception: NWT Squishmallows and NWT high quality stuffed animals like Jelly Cats, Warmies, Douglas, etc.Jewelry
Grab bags of random items that don’t go together.
Imagination Library Books
DVDs, VHS tapes
Underwear, socks, or random accessories (unless NIP or NWT)
Newborn hats. See section above for the types of hats we DO accept.
Plastic baby bottles and plastic kid’s water bottles and cups (only accept glass, stainless steel, & silicone)
More than 10 new items in bulk, unless prior approval is given.
EXCEPTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE: If you have a NON-CLOTHING item that is NWT or NIB and on the “no” list, we will potentially still take it. For example, if you have a brand new in the box muslin blanket or a baby gate new in the box, we will allow it to be sold.
Everything will be thoroughly inspected at Drop-Off. We reserve the right to say “no thank you” to any item for any reason in order to maintain extremely high standards for the sale.
Brands we do not accept
SOME Brands of Clothing & Shoes that are NOT Accepted
*Brand criteria ONLY applies to clothing and shoes, not toys, gear, etc.
PJs are the exception as we accept any brand of PJs in GREAT condition (ONLY for 18 months and up. 12 months and under MUST STILL adhere to the brand criteria for PJs).
Stores We Do NOT Accept:
ANY clothing or shoes from stores such as:
Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Old Navy, Kohls (except Little Co), Children’s Place, OshKosh, Toys R Us, Carters , Disney Store, Payless, Sam’s, Costco
ANY JUNIORS/ADULTS CLOTHING (American Eagle, Aerie, Aeropostale, etc)
*PLEASE NOTE: We also do NOT accept any in-house brands from any stores listed above.
Additional Brands We Do NOT Accept
A: Al & Ray, All in Motion, Amazon Basics, Amy Byer, Amy Coe, Angel Fish, Anvil, Apostophe, Arizona, Arrow, Art Class, Athletic Works, Attraction
B: Baby Beluga, Baby Connection, Baby Crew, Baby Essentials, Baby Headquarters, Baby Paris, Baby Q, Baby Togs, Baby Trend, Baby’s Own, Baby Works, Basic Editions, Big Enough, Bobby Jack, Big Z Universe, Blueberi Blvd., Bon Bebe, Bongo, Bonnie Baby, Bonnie Jean, Boppy Pillows, Bratz, Bright Futures, Bright Futures Heirloom, Brooke Lindsey, Bryan & Co., B.T. Kids, Buckee’s, Bugle Boy, Bullock’s Baby, Burt’s Bees, Buster Brown
C: C9 Champion (regular Champion is ok), Cat & Jack, California Concepts, Calvin Klein, Canyon River, Carter’s (except Little Planet which is fine), Century, CC Bates, Charter Club, Cheetah Girls, Chelsea’s Closet, Cherokee, Child of Mine, Children’s Place, Chocolate Soup, Christie Brooks, Circo, City Street, Class Club (we DO allow boys, girls only is prohibited), Classic Pooh, Cloud Island, Copper Key (we WILL allow size 8 & up), Cookie’s Kids, Cosco/Eddie Bauer, Counting Daisies, Covington, Cradle Togs, Crazy 8, Crazy Shirt
D: D-Signed, Dickies, Dip (Kroger), Dockers, Dreema, Duck Duck Goose
E: Easy Peasy, Ecko Red/Ecko Unlimited, Eddie Bauer/Costco, Emma’s Garden, Emily Rose, Energie, Especially for Baby, Esprit, Evenflo, Everlast Sport, Eyeshadow
F: Faded Glory, First Impressions, Fisher Price, First Up, Forever 21, Fred’s Kids, French Toast, Fruit of the Loom, FUBU
G: Garanimals, Genuine Kids, George, Gerber, Girl Connection, Gitano, Glo, Grayson Collection, Great Escapes, Greendog, Goodfellas, Goodlad, Gymboree
H: Hanes, Happy Threads, Harry & Me, HB, Healthtex, Hello Kitty, High Sierra, Honey Pot, Hope & Henry, Hudson Baby, Hype
I: Imagine Me, In Motion, Itty Bitty/Little Bitty, Izod
J: J. Khaki, J.Lo, Jenny & Me, Jerzees, Jessica Simpson, Jillian’s Closet, Joe Boxer, Jolt, Jordache, Jordan Lee Originals, Jumpers, Jumping Beans, Just Girls, Justice, Just One You by Carters
K: Kid Connection, Kiddy Kats, Kiddopotamus and Co., Kid Zone, Kidsline, Kids Headquarters, Kidture Collection, K-Mart Brands (Basic Editions, TKS Basics, Sesame Street, Wonder Kids, etc.), Knox Rose, Knit Works, Koala Baby, Koala Kids, Kobe Kids, Kohl’s, KRU
L: LA Movers, Laura Ashley, Lavendar Alley, Lee, l.e.i., Lil Jellybean, Lily Pulizter (from Target or Costco), Limited Too, Little Big Dogs, Little Bitty, Little Goodies, Little Lass, Little Legends, Little Lindsey, Little Me/Signature Little Me, Little Sprout, Little Wonders, Lullaby Club,
M: Maggie & Zoe, Malibu Kids, Marika, Mary Kate & Ashley, McGregor, McKids, Might Mac, Miniwear, Modern Moments, Moonbeams, Mossimo, Most, Mudd, My Michelle, My Pal
N: N Kids, Nannette, New Additions, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon
O: Okie Dokie, Old Navy, One Step Up, Op, Original Use, Osh Kosh/Baby B’Gosh
P: Paris Blues, Parisian BeBe, Parisian Kids, Payless, Penelope Mack, Perfectly Dressed, Phat Farm/Baby Phat, Pierre Cardin, Pine Peak Blues, Playette, Players, Polkatots, Polly Flinders
Q: Q by Quincy Mae (from Target)
R: Rare Editions, Rene Rofé, Riders, Ring Around the Rosie, Rocawear, Rose Cottage, Ross Sportswear, Route 66, Rue 21, Russell
S: Samara, Sand N Sun, Sanrio, SaraKeey, Sean John, Second Step, Sesame Street, Shein, Sideout, Simple Joys, Simply Basics, Small Wonders, Soda Fizz, Sonoma, Sophie Rose, So So Real, South Pole, Speechless, Special Editions, Specialty Baby, Sprockets, S Sport by Skechers, Starter, Starting Out, Stuff by Hilary Duff, Suzy’s Zoo
T: Tad Little, Target Brands (Cherokee, Honors, Circo, Genuine Kids, Cat & Jack, Art Class, In Motion etc.), Thalia Sodi, The Children’s Place, Tumble Bears, TKS
U: Union Bay, Urban, UR it, U.S. Polo Assoc.
V: Van Heusen, Vineyard Vines for Target (regular Vineyard Vines is fine), Vitamins/Vitamin Baby, VS Girls
W: Walmart Brands (Kid Connection, Mary Kate & Ashley, Faded Glory, George, Easy Peasy, Modern Moments, etc.), WonderKids, Wonder Nation, Wrap Around
X: Xhilaration
Y: Youngland, Young Sport
Z: Zoey, Zoey 101
** We reserve the right to make any changes to the information above at any time, including seller drop off.
We also do NOT Accept:
Any Items that appears over 5 years old.
Any item that is NOT of a current style.
Drop Off & Pick up Info
Please register for your DROP-OFF APPOINTMENT immediately after registering to consign. You can do so below.
FASTEST DROP OFF OPTION: Those who have marked ALL of their items DONATE (unsold items will be donated to charity) can choose the DRIVE THRU DROP-OFF option! OR ANYONE can choose the August 28 (Wave 2) Drop Off option which is also drive thru but doesn’t require items to be marked donate. Woo hoo! You do not even have to get out of your car! Your items WILL still be inspected to the same strict standards as everything else, but you can leave after your car is unloaded.
In order to ensure a smooth drop-off, please do the following things BEFORE you arrive at the building to drop off your items:
Double check clothing and non-clothing items for missing buttons, holes, stains, pilling, excessive wear, batteries, cleanliness, functionality, and missing pieces.
Make sure all baby gear and toys are wiped down thoroughly.
Drive-thru drop off participants, make sure all your toys & gear contains good batteries BEFORE you drop-off and are very clean.
Sort clothing by gender and size. Please make sure this is done before you arrive. DRIVE THRU DROP-OFF participants must STILL have the clothing inside their car in size order and separated by gender. This is required BEFORE you get to us. If items are not sorted, you will be required to go back to your car to sort before arriving.
NEW THIS SALE: We want you to SELL SUCCESSFULLY! If more than 15-20 clothing items are returned to you after inspection because of stains, incorrect brands, wrong season, etc, you’ll need to set up a short 10 minute Selling Consultation with our Consignor Coach before next sale so she can help you sell MORE and understand our consigning criteria!
Drop-Off: Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday - February 22, 23, and 25 (by appointment only)
*If you are a crew member working drop off, make sure you do NOT select a drop off appointment during your shift.
Pick Up Info
You can choose to pick up your unsold items OR not pick up and instead donate your unsold items to our parter charity.
Pick-Up: Friday, February 28, 8-9PM (by appointment only)
Let us do the work FOR YOU! It’s as easy as 1-2-3
Spots are now FULL. Join the waitlist HERE.
Express consigners retain 40% of their sales.
Step 1 is to REGISTER!
* READ THIS————There is NOT a place at registration to designate you are choosing Express. You will do that by completing the next step (Step 2) show on this page.
ALL consignors have a $15 Consignor Registration Fee. A $25 supply fee will also come out of your payout since your tagger will be providing hangers, cardstock, safety pins, zip ties, baggies, etc, and using gasoline to pick up and drop off your items.
**You will NOT need to sign up for a drop-off time since your tagger will be doing that for you. SKIP that part.
NEW consignors register here.
RETURNING consignors register here.
AFTER you have registered to consign, text Katie IMMEDIATELY at (832) 797-1515 to let her know you want an Express spot. You will be assigned to a tagger who will then contact you to arrange pick-up.
There is NO charge for pickups within 10 miles of Franklin, unless multiple pickups are required. Additional trips require a $15 Venmo fee. Pickups that are outside of our free pickup area (within 10 miles of Franklin) will require meeting at a closer location or a trip fee.
REVIEW the Brands We Do NOT Accept.
Gather your BEST, IN SEASON, freshly laundered upscale clothing, shoes, and toys. REVIEW the Brands We Do NOT Accept first. Any items that you send that we cannot accept or don’t pass inspection will be donated. They will NOT be returned to you.
Express Consignors can ONLY consign toys, shoes, and clothing. No other items unless approved by your tagger.
REMINDER: ALL items from Express Consignors WILL be marked to go 50% off on 1/2 day AND any unsold items WILL BE donated at the end of the sale.
PLEASE NOTE: Minimum of 40 of your BEST, IN SEASON items. More are welcome! No accessories (socks/bows), blankets, books, etc will be accepted this season.
Shoes MUST be FULLY CLEANED and in very good condition (very minimal wear and scuffing). Clothing MUST be FRESHLY CLEANED and folded neatly on arrival in a disposable box or bag. Toys must be CLEAN, have all parts, AND contain batteries if needed. If items are not truly clean or several items don’t follow our brand criteria, you will be charged an additional cleaning fee and/or disposal fee of $30 each. This is new this sale. Again, refer to the Brand We Do NOT Accept to make sure you’re on the right track.
PLEASE NOTE: Minimum of 40 items. More is welcome! Refer to the Items and Brands We Do NOT Accept , but remember there are a few other restrictions for Express Consignors. Your tagger will go over those with you.
Express Consignor FAQ's:
+ As an Express Consignor, what items can I sell?
Express Consignors can consign clothing, shoes, and toys ONLY. These must be your BEST, IN SEASON, CLEAN items! And they MUST follow the Brand Criteria. No exceptions.
+ What happens if my Express Tagger or a Sale Inspector finds an imperfection on any of my items?
Items from Express Consignors will be screened by the same standards as our regular consignors. If we find a problem with any of your items, we will donate those items to one of our charity partners. HOWEVER, if you did not follow the list of items/brands we could not accept or you gave the tagger uncleaned items, you will be charged an additional fee for cleaning and/or disposal.
+ Do I still have to pay the consignor fee?
Yes. The $15 fee is for ALL consignors and helps cover expenses.
+ Who determines how my items are priced?
The Express Tagger is highly experienced and determines a price that is fair and most likely to sell. All items from Express Consignors will go 50% off on the final day of the sale during our 1/2 Price Day. If you want to price your own items, you need to be a standard consignor.
+ What happens to my unsold items?
All unsold items from Express Consignors are donated at the end of the sale to one of our local charity partners, generally the Wrap Aroung Closet for foster children.
+ How will I get paid?
We pay all consignors via Deluxe E-Checks. You will be emailed an electronic check that you can print and deposit with your bank or deposit electronically if you bank offers that.
+ Can I see my items online and view when they sell?
Yes. You can log into your consignor homepage at any time. Sales are updated at the end of each day.
+ Will I still get a pass to the Consignor's Presale?
Yes. You will get a pass to the 1:30PM Consignor Presale. See shopping schedule on the website for date.
Consignor FAQS
+ Do you accept clothing from all seasons at each sale?
No. August Sale = Fall/Winter. March = Spring/Summer.
+ How/When do I get paid?
We pay all consignors via Deluxe E-Checks. You will be emailed an electronic check that you can print and deposit with your bank or deposit electronically if you bank offers that.
+ How should I price my items?
We generally suggest you price most items at 75% OFF of the original price. Pricing is highly subjective. We see things anywhere from about 50-90% off. Things such as condition, style, brand, and demand will play a large role in pricing.
+ Where can I get wire hangers?
Cleaners Supply is often the cheapest place. Click HERE to purchase. Split a box with friends if you don't need all 500. They also have children's sizes as well if you items that are too small for adult hangers. Click HERE to see those.
Also people who dry clean usually have TONS of wire hangers sitting in their closets. If you post on a buy, sell, trade page or even on your own personal social media that you are looking for wire hangers, you might score lots for FREE!
+ Do baby gear and toys have to be brand specific?
No. Only Clothing and Shoes need to follow the brand criteria. The exception to clothing is costumes, leotards, and PJs 18 months and up. Those specific types of items can be any brand.
+ What can I do to help my items sell?
Price items competitively.
Iron your clothing! Ironed clothing sells much better than clothing with wrinkles.
Clean, clean, clean. Make those toys and gear sparkle.
Allow all your items to go 50% off for 1/2 Price Day.
+ Is there a Consignor Fee, and what % of my sales do I keep?
Every consignor pays a $15 consignor fee which is paid at the time of registration. Standard Consignors retain 65% of their sales. Crew Member Consignors/3 shifts (see SELL page for specifics) retain 75%. Express Consignors retain 40%.
There is also a $15 Personnel Fee. This FEE IS WAIVED for any consignor who helps at the sale for a minimum of 4 hours (1 shift) as a Crew Member.
+ How long does it take to drop off my items during my drop-off appointment?
This can vary, but we hope to get everyone in and out quickly. Those who have marked ALL of their items DONATE in the online tagging system can use our Drive Thru Drop-Off.