
Brands we do not accept

SOME Brands of Clothing & Shoes that are NOT Accepted
*Brand criteria ONLY applies to clothing and shoes, not toys, gear, etc.

PJs are the exception as we accept any brand of PJs in GREAT condition (ONLY for 18 months and up. 12 months and under MUST STILL adhere to the brand criteria for PJs).

Stores We Do NOT Accept:
ANY clothing or shoes from stores such as:
Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Old Navy, Kohls (except Little Co), Children’s Place, OshKosh, Toys R Us, Carters , Disney Store, Payless, Sam’s, Costco
ANY JUNIORS/ADULTS CLOTHING (American Eagle, Aerie, Aeropostale, etc)

*PLEASE NOTE: We also do NOT accept any in-house brands from any stores listed above.

Additional Brands We Do NOT Accept
A: Al & Ray, All in Motion, Amazon Basics, Amy Byer, Amy Coe, Angel Fish, Anvil, Apostophe, Arizona, Arrow, Art Class, Athletic Works, Attraction

B: Baby Beluga, Baby Connection, Baby Crew, Baby Essentials, Baby Headquarters, Baby Paris, Baby Q, Baby Togs, Baby Trend, Baby’s Own, Baby Works, Basic Editions, Big Enough, Bobby Jack, Big Z Universe, Blueberi Blvd., Bon Bebe, Bongo, Bonnie Baby, Bonnie Jean, Boppy Pillows, Bratz, Bright Futures, Bright Futures Heirloom, Brooke Lindsey, Bryan & Co., B.T. Kids, Buckee’s, Bugle Boy, Bullock’s Baby, Burt’s Bees, Buster Brown

C: C9 Champion (regular Champion is ok), Cat & Jack, California Concepts, Calvin Klein, Canyon River, Carter’s (except Little Planet which is fine), Century, CC Bates, Charter Club, Cheetah Girls, Chelsea’s Closet, Cherokee, Child of Mine, Children’s Place, Chocolate Soup, Christie Brooks, Circo, City Street, Class Club (we DO allow boys, girls only is prohibited), Classic Pooh, Cloud Island, Copper Key (we WILL allow size 8 & up), Cookie’s Kids, Cosco/Eddie Bauer, Counting Daisies, Covington, Cradle Togs, Crazy 8, Crazy Shirt

D: D-Signed, Dickies, Dip (Kroger), Dockers, Dreema, Duck Duck Goose

E: Easy Peasy, Ecko Red/Ecko Unlimited, Eddie Bauer/Costco, Emma’s Garden, Emily Rose, Energie, Especially for Baby, Esprit, Evenflo, Everlast Sport, Eyeshadow

F: Faded Glory, First Impressions, Fisher Price, First Up, Forever 21, Fred’s Kids, French Toast, Fruit of the Loom, FUBU

G: Garanimals, Genuine Kids, George, Gerber, Girl Connection, Gitano, Glo, Grayson Collection, Great Escapes, Greendog, Goodfellas, Goodlad, Gymboree

H: Hanes, Happy Threads, Harry & Me, HB, Healthtex, Hello Kitty, High Sierra, Honey Pot, Hope & Henry, Hudson Baby, Hype

I: Imagine Me, In Motion, Itty Bitty/Little Bitty, Izod

J: J. Khaki, J.Lo, Jenny & Me, Jerzees, Jessica Simpson, Jillian’s Closet, Joe Boxer, Jolt, Jordache, Jordan Lee Originals, Jumpers, Jumping Beans, Just Girls, Justice, Just One You by Carters

K: Kid Connection, Kiddy Kats, Kiddopotamus and Co., Kid Zone, Kidsline, Kids Headquarters, Kidture Collection, K-Mart Brands (Basic Editions, TKS Basics, Sesame Street, Wonder Kids, etc.), Knox Rose, Knit Works, Koala Baby, Koala Kids, Kobe Kids, Kohl’s, KRU

L: LA Movers, Laura Ashley, Lavendar Alley, Lee, l.e.i., Lil Jellybean, Lily Pulizter (from Target or Costco), Limited Too, Little Big Dogs, Little Bitty, Little Goodies, Little Lass, Little Legends, Little Lindsey, Little Me/Signature Little Me, Little Sprout, Little Wonders, Lullaby Club,

M: Maggie & Zoe, Malibu Kids, Marika, Mary Kate & Ashley, McGregor, McKids, Might Mac, Miniwear, Modern Moments, Moonbeams, Mossimo, Most, Mudd, My Michelle, My Pal

N: N Kids, Nannette, New Additions, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon

O: Okie Dokie, Old Navy, One Step Up, Op, Original Use, Osh Kosh/Baby B’Gosh

P: Paris Blues, Parisian BeBe, Parisian Kids, Payless, Penelope Mack, Perfectly Dressed, Phat Farm/Baby Phat, Pierre Cardin, Pine Peak Blues, Playette, Players, Polkatots, Polly Flinders

Q: Q by Quincy Mae (from Target)

R: Rare Editions, Rene Rofé, Riders, Ring Around the Rosie, Rocawear, Rose Cottage, Ross Sportswear, Route 66, Rue 21, Russell

S: Samara, Sand N Sun, Sanrio, SaraKeey, Sean John, Second Step, Sesame Street, Shein, Sideout, Simple Joys, Simply Basics, Small Wonders, Soda Fizz, Sonoma, Sophie Rose, So So Real, South Pole, Speechless, Special Editions, Specialty Baby, Sprockets, S Sport by Skechers, Starter, Starting Out, Stuff by Hilary Duff, Suzy’s Zoo

T: Tad Little, Target Brands (Cherokee, Honors, Circo, Genuine Kids, Cat & Jack, Art Class, In Motion etc.), Thalia Sodi, The Children’s Place, Tumble Bears, TKS

U: Union Bay, Urban, UR it, U.S. Polo Assoc.

V: Van Heusen, Vineyard Vines for Target (regular Vineyard Vines is fine), Vitamins/Vitamin Baby, VS Girls

W: Walmart Brands (Kid Connection, Mary Kate & Ashley, Faded Glory, George, Easy Peasy, Modern Moments, etc.), WonderKids, Wonder Nation, Wrap Around

X: Xhilaration

Y: Youngland, Young Sport

Z: Zoey, Zoey 101

** We reserve the right to make any changes to the information above at any time, including seller drop off.

We also do NOT Accept:
Any Items that appears over 5 years old.
Any item that is NOT of a current style.